Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back In Action: Hello Oneonta and a Preview of Recruitment Week!

You may be wondering why I am up so late. In the Aiello/Kavarnos house, we have experienced many wonderful changes. On Christmas Eve, my baby brother Luke was born. He's adorable, however lately he hasn't been dealing well with jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where your liver isn't functioning properly and your skin has a yellowish tint. It was to be expected because my other brothers and I all had jaundice when we were infants but Luke hasn't been taking to it well. He was hospitalized for two days and then released before New Year's. However, we went to take him for a check-up and the doctor was concerned because his skin still was tinted yellow and we had to go to the hospital for a blood test and his levels were somewhat high, but not drastic enough for him to be hospitalized again. Yesterday afternoon, we had his blood tested and it looks as if everything is going to be alright. And of course, with a newborn brings crying and wake ups throughout the night and the house never seems to settle haha. So I'm up and I realized: hey, I haven't updated this in a while!

Some people ask me, how do I see myself in my baby brothers' lives? My parents are divorced, and they got remarried to other people. From my parents' marriage I have two brothers, Raymond (19) and Michael (15). From my dad and stepmom, I have two brothers, Daniel (4) and Mark (19 months). And finally from my mom and my stepdad, I have two brothers, Ethan (21 months) and of course, Luke. Yep, I'm the oldest. And yes, I have always wanted a sister....but it looks like that will never happen. And I also hate the word "half-brother." Regardless of the parentage- they are my brothers and I will always be there for them. Sometimes the age difference gets tough on me, I am missing so much of their lives and I do get homesick for them. But my parents are great about putting pictures online and putting videos on YouTube. But I have to accept that I have to live my life for me. One day, they'll understand why it had to be this way.

So yeah- has anyone seen the weather that we're in for once classes start? I know that I am not looking forward to walking in Arctic-type wind. I'm glad that the snowstorm happened yesterday instead of the window when everyone arrives back to campus.

But with a new semester comes Recruitment Week! For those who are confused, Rush and Recruitment are the same thing, however the Inter-Greek Council prefers using the word "recruitment" because "rush" has negative connotations. From now until the end of this post, I will navigate through Oneonta Greek Life.

First things first, one may wonder what is the difference between recognized Greek Life and unrecognized Greek Life. I know I have written about this before, but I feel that it's important to bring it up again, especially to those unfamiliar with Oneonta Greek Life. At SUNY Oneonta, there are 6 recognized sororities with 1 seeking recognition and 3 recognized fraternities. These orgs are:

-Sigma Gamma Phi aka Arethusa
-Pi Delta Chi aka PiChi
-Sigma Sigma Sigma aka TriSig
-Phi Sigma Sigma aka PhiSig
-Sigma Delta Tau aka SDT or SigDelt
-Mu Sigma Upsilon aka MSU
-Chi Upsilon Sigma aka Cus is seeking recognition from the college

-Chi Phi
-Phi Kappa Psi aka PhiPsi
-Phi Beta Sigma

The big, and obvious difference between Recognized and Unrecognized is that some orgs are recognized by the college and some are not. To me, I believe that Recognized Greek Life has so much to offer to Oneonta students. First thing is first: One must have a 2.5 GPA or above to participate in Recongized Recruitment. Starting in Fall 2009, all members of Recognized Greek Life must have a 2.5 GPA or above. If a brother or a sister does not have the required GPA, they will be inactive through the school and will not be able to participate fully with their org so they can focus on their schoolwork. Because of these strict scholastic guidelines, I really believe that Recognized Greek Life has students' scholastic interests at heart. Also, if you have above a 3.2 GPA, you will be invited to join the Order of Omega Greek National Honor Society.

Recognized Organizations also participate heavily in Community Service. At least every week out of the month, a Recognized Greek Organization is helping their community out. My sorority plays bingo at Robynwood Nursing Home every week, Phi Sig held a Kidney Walk, PiChi held a Charity Denim Event, Chi Phi always hosts Blood Drives, Tri Sig does a Rocking for Robbie concert, Phi Beta Sigma hosted a Night Out for the Homeless, MSU hosted a "Wear Blue" event benefiting Ovarian Cancer, SDT supports the Prevent Child Abuse charity, and Phi Psi does Bowl-a-thons benefiting a Philanthropy, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. We always participate in Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, and there is an upcoming Greek 5k for Charity! As a former community service chair for my sorority, I can truly say that Comm Service is what I love most about Greek Life and I'm so glad that we place such an emphasis on giving back.

Also, you can always count on putting the fact that you were involved in a recognized fraternity or sorority on your resume. In this economy, it is so important that you have something extra to make you stand out from the crowd, and placing your fraternity or sorority involvement is a great way to do that, especially if you held an executive board position. For example, I don't know how much it mattered on my Phonathon application, but I'm sure putting down that I was the Public Relations Chair for my sorority definately helped my application. If I was in a unrecognized organization, I wouldn't be able to list that because employers trace back to see if the Greek Org was recognized or unrecognized, and usually they will trash applications from applicants who list their involvement in an unrecognized org on a resume. And honestly- your involvement can help you out in the most unexpected ways in the workplace. At Phonathon, occasionally I will find out that an Oneonta alumna used to be in my sorority and I love getting though phone calls and finding out what Sigma Gamma Phi used to be in the past.

Also, Recognized Greek Life participates in great campus programs like LEAD and many programs are LEAD certified, so who knows, you can walk out with LEAD honors when you graduate because you participate in Greek Life! And Greek Week is so much fun, we get to do the Greek Olympics (I got to participate in the Pie Eating Contest and DizzyBat...but we won't go there haha), Greek Talent Show, and we had a great Greek Banquet.

Also- the most important thing is that recognized Greek Life adheres to a 100% no hazing policy. You have full confidence that if anyone reports a hazing case to Angie Eichler pertaining to recognized Greek Life, the matter will be investigated immediately and the group will be charged with a Class D or E felony, and will get stripped of their recognition. I can look you in the eye and tell you that I earned my letters without being hazed physically or mentally. I know what the pain is like, when I was at Hartwick, one of my best friends was hazed and one day she was crying to me because they kept her out at all hours of the night and her grades were slipping and I knew that I was never going to let that happen to me, which is a big reason why I went recognized.

Another question is what's the difference between local and national? Oneonta has two local recognized Greek orgs: my sorority, Sigma Gamma Phi, and Pi Delta Chi. Everyone else is a National Organization which means that they have chapters nationwide and report to a national headquarters. Local orgs don't have a national office and they can either only have one chapter, such as PiChi, or have regional chapters, like Sigma Gamma Phi. We have chapters in SUNY Potsdam, SUNY Fredonia, and SUNY Geneseo. As one who is interested in recruitment, you may ask yourself: do I want to be in a sorority that only has one chapter, a few regional chapters, or many chapters across the country? To me, I don't feel like I missed out on the sorority experience by not being in a national organization. My sorority meets up with our other chapters and even though I LOVE my sisters in Potsdam (I still smile from the memories of our reunion), what really matters is how well you fit in with the chapter you're interested in joining, and in the end, I didn't focus on what was national and what was local, I focused on if I could really see these girls having my back in the end. Also, local orgs tend to have lower dues than nationals.

Which brings me to another point. If you have read this blog, you know that I am very concerned with the economy. It is true that joining a fraternity or sorority costs money. One misunderstanding is that "we pay to have our friends." That is ridiculous. Because fraternities and sororities are selective organizations we are not able to receive money for the SA for our budgets. Because of that, we have to pay dues. My dues go to sister retreat events, recruitment shirts, new member education materials, community service budget, social event budget, recruitement events budget, our savings account, alumni weekend budget, to the Inter Greek Council budget, and so much more. For those worried about not being able to afford a sorority or fraternity: do not worry. I know for my sorority, we have payment plans. There is no shame to have a payment plan, for as long as I've been in the sorority, I've been on a payment plan. I'm pretty sure other fraternities and sororities have that option as well, especially during these times. Talk the matter over with the treasurer of the org you want to join, and they will give you the truth about the dues.

Also- joining a recognized, greek org will not take over your life. I am busier as the training director of WONY than I am with my sorority. Not because we don't have a ton of events, it's just that my office hours and Phonathon tend to conflict with a lot of them. If you can't make an event because of work, another club, or homework, your potential sisters will understand. In fact, I'm so busy with WONY that I had to step down as a Greek Peer Advocate for this semester. You can choose how involved you want to be.

Finally, before I post the schedule of recruitment events- if you are interested in recruitment, come into it with an open mind and an open heart. Don't worry about not fitting into the typical sorority me, I am FAR from that and people have a hard time believing that I'm a sorority sister because I don't fit the stereotype. Have fun, and most importantly, find the girls (or guys) that you can really see having your back. Honestly- I don't regret it. I can't imagine what life would be like without being in a sorority. Because without it, I wouldn't have met my some of my best friends. On my radio show, my co-host Chris O'Dea is my sorority sister. Sometimes our sorority advisor, Christine Edwards, phones in during our show and it's always hilarious when she does. (shameless plug: Listen to Indie, Sex, and Rock n Roll on Mondays from 1opm to Midnight on WONY 90.9FM or listen to us via webcast on I would encourage going to Meet the Greeks, but if you feel rushed timewise during it, I don't blame you. I will tell you right now that I'm more of a one on one person and I hate talking in a noisy Hunt Ballroom. Personally, I enjoy going to Sorority Round Robins and Philanthropy Night because I feel that I can really get a chance to talk to the girls in a quiet room. I really hope to meet you, if you've been reading this blog, and prepare for a fun week =D

IGC Recruitment Events:
Wednesday, Jan. 14th: Meet the Greeks, Hunt Ballroom, 4PM
Saturday, Jan 17th: Sorority Round Robins, Hunt Union, 2PM (my favorite event!)
Monday, Jan 19th: Fraternity Poker, Hunt Union, 8PM (just in case guys read this blog)
Tuesday, Jan 20th: Philanthropy Night, Hunt Union, 8PM (my other favorite event!)
Wednesday, Jan 21st: Sorority Preference Night and Fraternity Informationals, Hunt Union, 8PM (this is invitation only)
Friday, Jan 23rd: BID DAY!!!!! (the BEST day you will ever have!) Hunt Union, around 4PM

keep it real!


Yesu said...

Excellent post on Greek life. Thanks Claps! I'm going to refer interested members of Greek life to read this asap!

Claps said...

Not a prob! I'm always glad to add my insight =D Thanks for reading =D!